Spamhaus Quarterly Domain Reputation (Q2 -2022)

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  • Spamhaus Quarterly Domain Reputation (Q2 -2022)

Every quarter, we’ll be reporting on the domain name landscape through the lens of Spamhaus’ researchers. Everything from the number of newly registered domains to the abuse being observed. Discover the good, bad, and ugly,


  • Monthly breakdowns
  • Top-level domain comparisons
  • Trending terms in new domains
  • Number of new domains observed
  • Number of top-level domains listed
  • Monthly breakdowns by abuse type
  • Trending phishing terms in domains listed
  • Trends in abuse type – bad reputation, malware, phishing, botnet C&C

In Q2, it appears that when it comes to the type of abuse for compromised domains, phishing was the choice of the quarter with an 81% increase, while botnet C&C abuse reduced by 60%.

*A compromised domain is where it is evident to our research team that the domain has a legitimate owner; however, a bad actor has compromised it. One example is where a content management system (CMS) is hacked, and the domain is being used to send spam resulting in the listing of the domain. Within Spamhaus these types of listings are referred to as “abused-legit”.

Click HERE to enter the full domain report.

Spamhaus we offer three different datasets based on content reputation: Domain Blocklists (DBL), Zero Reputation Domains (ZRD) and Hash Blocklists (HBLs). All blocklists are carefully curated by an expert team of researchers, who use machine learning, combined with manual investigations and heuristics, assessing over 3 million domains every day!

Leveraging our Domain Intelligence, will increase your email, DNS, and overall Security posture.

Coming Soon, Spamhaus REST API for our Content (Domain) data-sets.